Acta Scientific Pharmacology

Review Article Volume 1 Issue 7

CoVID-19: An Overview of the Characteristics, Diagnosis and Prevention of the Deadly Pandemic Disease

Mutthuraj D1, Gopenath TS2 and Kanthesh M Basalingappa1*

1Division of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, JSS AHER, SS Nagar, Mysuru, India
2Division of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, JSS AHER, SS Nagar, Mysuru, India

*Corresponding Author: Kanthesh M Basalingappa, Assistant Professor, Division of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, JSS AHER, SS Nagar, Mysuru, India.

Received: May 06, 2020; Published: June 12, 2020



Coronavirus which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) are highly infectious viral strains that belong to the group β - coronavirus family. Bats are believed to be the common origin-host of these viruses. The current pandemic caused by a similar coronavirus (SARS-CoVID-19) is also suspected to have originated from bats. However, there are different unresolved theories which are out of the scope of this review. With currently no vaccines or treatments available, except for the use of the drug Remdesivir, the world struggles to contain the virus. The only possible means to curb its spread is through proper detection, personal isolation and hygiene. Detection of this novel coronavirus is carried out using molecular biology techniques like- RT-PCR, ELISA and CRISPR based testing kits. CoVID-19 strain belongs to single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses. Interestingly these viruses are capable of adapting and mutating to the new environment. The rapid transmission of the novel coronavirus around the world causing a severe mortality rate depends on this mutation or not is yet to be identified.

Keywords: CoVID-19; Novel Coronavirus; Pandemic; Diagnosis; Molecular Techniques



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Citation: Kanthesh M Basalingappa., et al. “CoVID-19: An Overview of the Characteristics, Diagnosis and Prevention of the Deadly Pandemic Disease".Acta Scientific Pharmacology 1.7 (2020): 14-20.

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