Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Review Article Volume 7 Issue 12

Artificial Intelligent Empowering Healthcare: Smart Solution in Medicine

Tania Acharjee, Himashree Saikia and Dinesh Bhatia*

Department of Biomedical Engineering, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India

*Corresponding Author: Professor Dinesh Bhatia, Department of Biomedical Engineering, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Received: October 08, 2024; Published: November 21, 2024


It's readily apparent that international healthcare is changing as we work through the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic. Beyond a simple tool, artificial intelligence has the ability to revolutionize healthcare by addressing significant staffing shortages and expanding patient needs. Generative AI is a significant breakthrough that goes beyond conventional data analysis to produce new data and stimulate previously unheard-of levels of invention in a variety of industries. Generative AI is redefining individualized care planning, disease prediction, and medication discovery in the healthcare industry, ultimately changing the way that care is provided. AI's incorporation into medical imaging, virtual patient care, medication research, and administrative activities has also accelerated. This has improved efficiency and early diagnosis while also increasing patient involvement and adherence. Due to the pandemic's highlighting of AI's potential, disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment planning now heavily rely on it. Beyond the borders of medicine, generative AI has a big impact on agriculture. It does this by increasing crop yields, maximizing resource efficiency, and cutting waste—all of which help ensure a sustainable food supply. Although AI has enormous promise to transform healthcare, it also brings up concerns about security, privacy, and equity. To utilize it responsibly and securely, strict regulations must be in force. Healthcare along with agriculture are at the vanguard of this technological transformation as this new era of AI-driven innovation delivers transformative solutions across multiple sectors, signifying a significant shift in how industries approach efficiency and problem-solving.

 Keyword: Artificial Intelligence; Drug Delivery; Medical Imaging; COVID 19; Virtual Patient Care; Rehabilitation


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Citation: Dinesh Bhatia., et al. “Artificial Intelligent Empowering Healthcare: Smart Solution in Medicine”. Acta Scientific Neurology 7.12 (2024): 11-34.


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