Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 8

Palliative Treatment of Multiple Level Painful Vertebral Metastases Employing O-Arm, Navigated Radiofrequency Ablation and Augmentation

Mario Carvi Nievas*

Department of Neurosurgery, Hufeland Klinikum GmbH, Germany

*Corresponding Author: Mario Carvi Nievas, Department of Neurosurgery, Hufeland Klinikum GmbH, Germany.

Received: June 27, 2023; Published: July 24, 2023


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of the palliative treatment of multiple level painful vertebral metastases employing O-Arm navigated radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and augmentation.

Methods: Over a period of two years, the author of this paper additionally treated his patients with painful vertebral metastases on more than one level, using an O-Arm device and a navigator, to perform radiofrequency ablations with additional augmentation. In a few cases without obvious instabilities and if necessary, small microsurgical decompressions were also performed. The clinical effectiveness of this treatment was analysed by examining: 1) pain relief (standard 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS)), 2) follow up of the neurological condition and 3) procedure related morbidity (surgical bleeding, infections, and wound disorders). Radiological evaluations included: 1) MRI calculated percentage of tumour infiltration area on involved vertebra; 2) CT assessed morphological changes and the percentage cemented of the treated vertebra.

Results: Sixteen patients with painful metastases involving two to four levels were palliative treated during this period. Twelve patients had previously been irradiated and submitted to chemotherapy. All of them presented pain on more than one level. The mean age of the patients was 56 years (range 36 to 72); the mean time of onset of pain was 4 months; the surgeries lasted an average of 74 minutes. No neurological deterioration was observed in any of the treated patients. The mean VAS score decreased from a preoperative score of 8.3 to 3.2 at patient discharge (p ‹ .001), and 4.1 (p ‹ .001) 1 month later.

The mean percentage of vertebral bodies infiltrated by the tumor on MRI was 52% and the mean percentage of cemented vertebral bodies observed on computed tomography images was 46%. A good individual anatomical-radiological overlap between both areas was confirmed. In the postoperative period, a clear reduction in the use of narcotic drugs was observed. Pain relief was not related to the percentage of vertebral cementation, suggesting that thermal injury was the main mechanism involved in its resolution. In only one case there was a leakage of cement into the spinal canal, which was detected during the operation and immediately removed. One month later, no delayed radiological changes (new tumor growth, cement-induced tumor displacements, or vertebral instability) were found.

Conclusion: The palliative use of radiofrequency ablation and augmentation procedures coupled with intraoperative navigation performed with an O-Arm, reported several benefits in all patients treated with multiple-level vertebral metastases. These allowed to improve the accuracy of the procedures, achieve a prompt resolution of the pain suffered by the patients and reduce the time of surgical and X-ray exposure, with a very low complication rate.

Keywords: Radiofrequency Ablation and Augmentation; Multilevel Vertebral Painful Metastases; O-Arm Intra-Operative Targeted Navigation


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Citation: Mario Carvi Nievas. “Palliative Treatment of Multiple Level Painful Vertebral Metastases Employing O-Arm, Navigated Radiofrequency Ablation and Augmentation". Acta Scientific Neurology 6.8 (2023): 30-40.


Copyright: © 2023 Mario Carvi Nievas. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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