Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12

Social Networks and Interpersonal Relations in Higher Education

Sigüenza O Juan1*, Contreras P Juan2 and Díaz Nathaly3

1Magíster en Educación Superior, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
2Magíster en Investigación formativa, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
3Licenciada en Sicología Educativa, Ecuador

*Corresponding Author: Sigüenza O Juan, Magíster en Educación Superior, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador

Received: October 07, 2022; Published: November 29, 2022


This work identifies the use of social networks and interpersonal relationships in the teachers and students of an Institution of Higher Education. The research was carried out in the Academic Unit of Education of the Catholic University of Cuenca, to determine to what extent the social networks influence the interpersonal relations of students and teachers. This is quantitative research that is based on bibliographical and descriptive research. The technique used was the survey, and as an instrument, a questionnaire of multiple-choice questions addressed to the students and teachers of the Academic Unit of Education. In conclusion, I emphasize that the social networks have become part of the daily life of all the university actors of this research that evidences that the minion that a student reaches to interact with others through the networks is 1 to 10 times a day, instead in the teachers it can be observed that they interact more than 21 times a day.

Keywords:Social Medial; Interpersonal Relations; Global Communication; Mobile Technology


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Citation: Sigüenza O Juan., et al. “Social Networks and Interpersonal Relations in Higher Education". Acta Scientific Neurology 5.12 (2022): 81-88.


Copyright: © 2022 Sigüenza O Juan., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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