Gender, Coping Styles Among the Unemployed Youth
Purushottam M Borkar*
Department of Psychology, SRM College of Social Work, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: Purushottam M Borkar, Department of Psychology, SRM College of Social Work, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India.
June 09, 2022; Published: July 29, 2022
Coping skill is the characteristic ways of dealing with difficulties and it influences how we identify and try to solve problems. Coping can involve active attempts to modify the person environment relationship so that the demand is lessened or the resources increased. The coping skills that people bring with them to life, experiences influence, how much stress they feel and how well they cope with it. Human consequences resulting from unemployment have profound effects on one's self concept. Mental health changes of unemployed youth were typically described in terms of increased anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, lack of confidence, listlessness and nervousness. The males are more self-controlled and accepting responsibilities than the females. Unless the potential of young people can be used in a productive way, neither youth nor economies as a whole will face a bright future. The females are higher in confrontive coping. Young, educated women express more commitment to both work and family.
Keyword: Gender; Coping; Unemployment
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