Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Case Report Volume 5 Issue 9

Neuromonitoring Severe Traumatic Brain Injury by Transcranial Doppler and Diameter of the Optic Nerve Sheath. Case Report

Luis A Camputaro1*, Noeli Tini2, Ayelen 3, Maria L Budrovich4, Franco Pecoraro4 and Paolo A Vigne Cuellar5

1Department of Intensive Care, Hospital Juan A, Fernandez, Argentina
2Anesthesiology Resident, Hospital Juan A, Fernandez, Buenos Airesm, Argentina
3Internal Medicine Resident, Hospital Juan A, Fernandez. Buenos Aires, Argentina
4Critical Care Medicine Resident, Hospital Juan A, Fernandez. Buenos Aires, Argentina
5Medical Student, Universidad Jose Matias Delgado, San Salvador-El Salvador

*Corresponding Author: Luis A Camputaro, Department of Intensive Care, Hospital Juan A, Fernandez, Argentina.

Received: June 10, 2022; Published: August 03, 2022



In patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) initial neurological evaluation and follow-up are difficult, especially in the context of multiple trauma.
Multimodal neuromonitoring is essential in the management of traumatic brain injury as it allows early individualized therapeutic behavior that prevents secondary brain injury.
N. Martin; D. Kelly and colleagues describe the importance of changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) following traumatic brain injury and define three hemodynamic phases during the first two weeks after trauma. Phases are characterized by transcranial Doppler (TCD) measurements, jugular venous oxygen saturation (SJVO2) through catheterization of the jugular bulb, and cerebral perfusion pressure. Phase I (hypoperfusion phase) occurs on the day of injury; Phase II (hyperemia phase, days 1-3) and Phase III (vasospasm phase, days 4-14).
We present a case of multiple trauma associated with severe TBI. The objective is to discuss the use of neurological monitoring after the limitation of invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring.

Keywords: Severe Traumatic Brain Injury; Cerebral Blood Flow; Intracranial Hypertension; Transcranial Doppler; Optic Nerve Sheath



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Citation: Luis A Camputaro., et al. “Neuromonitoring Severe Traumatic Brain Injury by Transcranial Doppler and Diameter of the Optic Nerve Sheath. Case Report". Acta Scientific Neurology 5.9 (2022): 03-07.


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