Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 7

A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Spine Stabilization Exercises Devoid of Swiss Ball and Dynamic Spine Stabilization Exercises with Swiss Ball in Patient with Low Back Pain (LBP)

Bhojan Kannabiran1*, J Afrin Sithara2 and N Mugaviya3

1Ph D, Professor in Physiotherapy, RVS College of Physiotherapy, India
2BPT, RVS College of Physiotherapy, India
3MPT, Yasodha Physiotherapy Center-Fascio kinetics Coimbatore, India

*Corresponding Author: Bhojan Kannabiran, Ph D, Professor in Physiotherapy, RVS College of Physiotherapy, India.

Received: March 25, 2022; Published: June 24, 2022


Low back pain may be defined as pain perceived as arising from the posterior region of the trunk within an area bounded more or less capital planes tangential to the lateral borders of the erector spine, transverse plane through the lower dorsal spinous process and a transverse plane through the posterior superior iliac spines. Chronic Low Back Pain is when low back pain has been existing for more than three consecutive months’ chronic low back pain may start with a history of an injury, spinal ailment or stresses on diverse structures of our body. Low back pain is coined when there is pain, protective spasm and muscular tension, or stiff movement localized to low back, and is well-defined as chronic low back pain when it continues for 12 weeks or longer duration. Low back pain is considered as one of the most frequently mentioned reason for participation restriction secondary to activity limitation under the age group of 45years, and almost roughly 2% of the work force are receiving reimbursement for low back pain annually. A rough estimate of 1.3 billion days a year are lost from work because of Low back pain.

Question and Objective: To put in vogue the role of Swiss ball therapeutic exercises in chronic low back pain individuals.

The purpose of this Study: The need of this study is to validate and compare the effectiveness of back strengthening exercises devoid of Swiss ball use, when compared with exercises on the Swiss ball among low back pain patients.

Design: Pre-test and post-test experimental study design.

Participants: Chronic low back pain patients in the age group between 17-40 years, both males and females were included in the study predominantly White-collar occupation

Intervention: Swiss ball is a ball constructed of elastic soft PVC with a variable diameter ball filled with the air pressure is changed by removing a value stem and either ceiling with air or by letting the ball appropriately deflate. The human body responds to the dynamic challenge created by the ball to establish spinal stabilization/to arrive at equilibrium engaging sequence of many more muscles. Those muscle becomes strange overtime to keep balance, Swiss ball exercises was developed based on the principal that many back-pain patients have diminished motor control over the force transmitting fascia of the concerned stabilizing musculature.

Outcome Measures: Pain was measured using visual analogue scale and lumbosacral range of motion using the Modified Schober's Test

Results and Conclusion: When comparing the mean value between groups. Group treated with Swiss ball exercises shows more difference than the group treated with the exercises devoid of Swiss ball. Hence it is concluded that Swiss ball exercises is more effective than the back strengthening exercises devoid of Swiss ball (dynamic unstable platform) in reducing pain and Rom among low back pain patients favoring the fact that many back-pain patients have diminished motor control over the force transmitting fascia of the respective stabilizing musculature.

Keywords: Spine Stabilization; Devoid; Swiss Ball; Low Back Pain


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Citation: Bhojan Kannabiran., et al. “A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Spine Stabilization Exercises Devoid of Swiss Ball and Dynamic Spine Stabilization Exercises with Swiss Ball in Patient with Low Back Pain (LBP)". Acta Scientific Neurology 5.7 (2022): 30-39.


Copyright: © 2022 Bhojan Kannabiran., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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