Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Perspective Volume 5 Issue 4

Features of Psych Emotional Conditions of the Student at Remote form of Education

Sokolov Georgy Aleksandrovich*

NACHOU VPO Modern humanitarian academy, Russia

*Corresponding Author:Sokolov Georgy Aleksandrovich, NACHOU VPO Modern humanitarian academy, Russia.

Received: March 16, 2022; Published: March 25, 2022


In article specifics of the psychoemotional states arising at distentny form of education are described. The general characteristic of distantny form of education is given, its influence on cognitive processes is described. The psychoemotional condition of students in the course of training is in detail described. Sources of negative emotions and positive emotions in the educational environment are described. Is shown that at distantny training students have less negative emotions, especially the emotions connected with experience of examination stresses. It is also shown that practically all sources of positive emotions remain and at distantny training.

Keywords: Emotions; Psychoemotional States; Negative Emotions; Positive Emotions; Training, Distantny Training


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Citation: Sokolov Georgy Aleksandrovich. “Features of Psych Emotional Conditions of the Student at Remoteform of Education". Acta Scientific Neurology 5.4 (2022): 11-14.


Copyright: © 2022 Sokolov Georgy Aleksandrovich. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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