Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 2

The Components of Puzzle of Existential Fear: An Integrated Neuro-psycho-ecological Model of Understanding Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemics/b>

Suela Ndoja*

Clinical Psychologist-Division of Psychoclinical Service, Italian Albanian Association “Progetto Speranza”, Shkoder, Albania

*Corresponding Author: Suela Ndoja, Clinical Psychologist-Division of Psychoclinical Service, Italian Albanian Association “Progetto Speranza”, Shkoder, Albania.

Received: October 19, 2021; Published: January 07, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic represents an extraordinary challenge to psychologists, social, public and health care institutions and policymakers. The paper outlines an integrated neuro-psycho-ecological model interpretation of such a puzzle of understanding experiences during pandemic. Our sense of self and others is threatened by the danger of i) being infected, ii) infecting other people, and (iii) the loss of social relation. This abnormal situation has an impact on us as subjectivities being intrinsically related with others and the world, leading to different neuronal and psychological responses based on our basic feelings, as that of fear. It is argued that fear experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic are organized on the neuro-psycho-ecological level around five interrelated dialectical domains, namely (1) fear system of circuits motivated to freeze and flee in apparent frights, (2) fear of infection per se, (3) fear of infecting the significant others/ fear for significant others, (4) fear of being infecting from the world/ of infecting the world, (5) fear of eco-system. These domains represent the neuronal, bodily, interpersonal and behavioral features of fear, respectively. Nowadays reading life because of daily confrontation with the death and connected existential fears is at the same time the threat and the value of this time. There are proposed some strategic points of addressing these fears and minimizing their impact by improving vital scenarios to live in a health way in our global village.

Keywords: Components of Puzzle; Existential Fear; Understanding Experiences; COVID-19; Coronavirus; Integrated Neuro-psycho-ecological Model


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Citation: Suela Ndoja. “The Components of Puzzle of Existential Fear: An Integrated Neuro-psycho-ecological Model of Understanding Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemics" Acta Scientific Neurology 5.2 (2022): 11-22.


Copyright: © 2022 Suela Ndoja. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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