Jennifer Gantzer*
Department of Clinical Sciences, National University of Health Sciences, USA
*Corresponding Author: Jennifer Gantzer, Department of Clinical Sciences, National University of Health Sciences, USA.
Received: September 27, 2021; Published: October 6, 2021
Optimal digestion serves many physiological roles including assimilation of nutrients, sustaining the commensal bacterial environment of the gut microbiome, supporting daily bowel movements and elimination of toxins. An individual’s health and quality of life can be sustained and/or lost at the interface of the external world entering the gut as gut-brain, nervous system, and microbial forces all interact to influence gut function and digestion. This review of digestive function and loss thereof focuses on ways to optimize gut health by mimicking the intrinsic homeostasis of the Rest and Digest parasympathetic regulation of secretions and motility and the bidirectional gut-brain cross-talk of the microbial commensals. Supporting mastication, digestive secretions, motility, and the microbiome can significantly restore gastrointestinal homeostasis and its vital role in overall health.
Keywords: Digestion; Assimilation; Dysbiosis; Microbiome; Gut-brain Axis; Natural Therapy
Citation: Jennifer Gantzer. “Supporting Gut Health by Homeostasis and Intrinsic Mechanisms”. Acta Scientific Neurology 4.11 (2021): 10-17.
Copyright: © 2021 Jennifer Gantzer. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.