Revisiting Old-Fashioned Reliability and Validity Concerns
David Trafimow*
Department of Psychology, New Mexico State University, Mexico
*Corresponding Author: David Trafimow, Department of Psychology, New Mexico State University, Mexico.
April 09, 2021; Published: July 31, 2021
Reported correlations in psychology research tend to be unimpressive. This would not be a problem if the underlying reason were that the phenomena under investigation really were not very related. However, a more troubling explanation pertains to the reliability and validity of the measures. As has been known since the seminal research by Spearman (1904), reliability sets an upper limit on predictive validity; unreliable measures result in unimpressive correlations even if all else is right. The present article briefly reviews the old literature on classical true score theory with an eye towards (a) reiterating long-known but rarely attended to prescriptions for obtaining more impressive correlations, (b) drawing lessons that contradict cliches in the field, and (c) expanding classical true score theory wisdom to cases where there are two predictor variables rather than a single amalgamated variable.
Keywords: Correlation; Multiple Correlation; Classical True Score Theory; Reliability; Validity
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