Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 6

Pandemic Fatigue: An Overview of Systemic Processes

Primavera Fisogni*

Editor at La Provincia Daily Newspaper, PhD in Philosophy, Como, Italy

*Corresponding Author: Primavera Fisogni, Editor at La Provincia Daily Newspaper, PhD in Philosophy, Como, Italy.

Received: April 13, 2021; Published: May 27, 2021


  Pandemic fatigue is a recurrent topic in the narration of the mental effects due to pandemic. It is generally described in term of self-exhaustion or tiredeness, lack of attention, difficulty in carrying out the operations of everyday life, anxiety and loss of hope. It affects, in different ways, those who are particolarly exposed to the distress of COVID-19 (health systems operators) and ordinary people. Being a discomfort rooted in the existential frame, pandemic fatigue cannot be interpreted only as a sole cluster of psychological/psychiatric symptoms or syndromes.

  Philosophy can fruitfully suggest an interpretative path for understanding pandemic fatigue in terms of a systemic condition, that's to say: we should interrogate about how pandemic fatige works, not just about what it is. After having sketched the main essential traits of the discomfort, the author will strive to highlight the processes that lie beneath the mental exhaustion of pandemic fatigue throughout the lenses of systemic thinking (Urbani Ulivi, 2019; Minati, 2019). Perturbation, dissipation, coherence are the steps to be investigated. Each process will be discussed in dialogue with the phenomenological results, in order to integrate them. It will be noticed that, far from being a symptom of failed hope, pandemic fatigue proves the necessity for human subject to be resilient, especially in such dark, unprecedented times.

Keywords: Anatomy; Variability; Variation


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Citation: Primavera Fisogni. “Pandemic Fatigue: An Overview of Systemic Processes”. Acta Scientific Neurology 4.6 (2021): 136-140.


Copyright: © 2021 Primavera Fisogni. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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