Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 6

Benign Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Anudeep Yekula1*, Sulekhya Inturu2, Samiksha Jain2, Anuroop Yekula2, Abhinaya Kotha2, Anurag Pasula3 and Kiran Kumar Yekula4

1Department of Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
2Government General Hospital, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, India
3Government General Hospital, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, India
4Kocher's Institute of Medical Sciences, Guntur, India

*Corresponding Author: Anudeep Yekula, Department of Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.

Received: April 16, 2021; Published: May 25, 2021


Introduction: Sacrococcygeal teratomas are tumors derived from embryonic germ cell layers predominantly occurring in pediatric cohorts. They are rare in adults and limited data exists on their clinicopathologic characteristics and their management.

Methods: The aim of the study is to explore the demographic, clinical, radiographic, histopathologic, and the management of SCT in adults through a comprehensive systematic review of literature.

Results: A total of 73 patients with benign sacrococcygeal teratoma were identified (51, 69.8% female), with a median age of 30.25 years. Patients mostly presented with pelvic pain (n = 37) and/or palpable mass (n = 33). The majority of the tumors belonged to Altman type IV (28, 56%). Surgical resection with coccygectomy was almost always curative.

Conclusion: Benign SCTs require multidisciplinary management. Careful evaluation is required in all cases of sacral masses, and prompt differentiation of benign entities from the malignant counterparts is central to the management of these lesions.

Keywords: Sacrococcygeal Teratoma; SCT; Adult; Benign


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Citation: Anudeep Yekula., et al. “Benign Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature”. Acta Scientific Neurology 4.6 (2021): 96-101.


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