Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Case Report Volume 3 Issue 12

10,000-Fold Effect by a Nitric Oxide Donor (Sodium Nitroprusside) in Essential Tremor Via Intrathecal Superfusion

Vinod Kumar Tewari1*, Devesh Johari2, Lori Tewari3, Neeraj4, Rajeev Gupta5 and SD Mishra6

1Neurosurgeon, Director, Advance Neuro and General Hospital, Lucknow, India
2Opthalmologist, PMS, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
3Advance Neuro and General Hospital, Lucknow, India
4Physiotherapist, Advance Neuro and General Hospital, Lucknow, India
5General Surgeon, Sanjeevani Hoapital, Jagraon Punjab, India
6General Surgeon, Advance Neuro and General Hospital, Lucknow, India

*Corresponding Author: Vinod Kumar Tewari, Neurosurgeon, Director, Advance Neuro and General Hospital, Lucknow, India..

Received: October 03, 2020; Published: November 18, 2020



  Essential tremor (ET) is involuntary tremors at upper part of body specially. The pathological neural circuits of GABAergic neuron of cerebellar dentate nucleus, brain stem (locus ceruleans and inferior olives) and thalamus is involved causes tremulous activity within the cerebellothalamocortical circuits. Nitric oxide donors, like Sodium nitroprusside, modulates the antegrade neurotransmission via retrograde neuroregulation by 10000-fold effect. The GABAergic neurons are in turn controlled by the very sensitive 10,000-fold effect circuits via Nitric Oxide. We have utilised intrathecal sodium nitroprusside superfusion (ITSNP) to induce 10000-fold effect after 2 years of failed routine conservative treatment by oral drugs like gabapentin, topiramate, trihexiphenedyl, or other drugs recommended in one ET cases. We have utilised various clinical parameters like spiral drawing (T-CALM TEST) and video recordings of routine daily activities in pre ITSNP and post ITSNP phase.

Keywords: Essential Tremor; 10000-fold Effect; Intrathecal Sodium Nitroprusside



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Citation: Vinod Kumar Tewari., et al. “10,000-Fold Effect by a Nitric Oxide Donor (Sodium Nitroprusside) in Essential Tremor Via Intrathecal Superfusion". Acta Scientific Neurology 3.12 (2020): 09-12.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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