Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 11

Executive Functions and Cannabis Use in Adolescents

Frolli A1*, Ricci M C2, Cavallaro A2, Lombardi A2, Bosco A2, Operto FF3 and Franzese L4

1Disability Research Centre of University of International Studies in Rome, Rome, Italy
2FINDS - Italian Neuroscience and Developmental Disorders Foundation, Caserta, Italy
3University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
4Regional School Office, Naples, Italy

*Corresponding Author: Frolli A, Disability Research Centre of University of International Studies in Rome, Rome, Italy.

Received: September 03, 2020; Published: October 22, 2020



  Adolescence is a development stage characterized by multiple neuro-cognitive and psychosocial changes and therefore considered a critical phase of human development. At this stage, is when young adults start consuming substances, consequently the addiction process begins. Several studies show that chronic cannabis abuse can cause neurofunctional and neuro-cognitive changes. Particularly it would negatively impact on divided attention, short-term verbal memory and working memory performance. In this study we investigate how abuse of cannabis can affect global cognitive functioning, also through the evaluation of executive functions. Sample population that took part in this study was grouped by the frequency of use of cannabinoid substances (chronic, occasional, and absent consumption). Statistical analysis showed a significant decrease in performance in working memory tasks by subjects who used chronic cannabis (group 1) compared to subjects who did not use it at all (group 3). Future studies could verify the extent of the neuro cognitive alterations through re-evaluations with controlled follow-ups.

Keywords: Working Memory; Executive Functions; Adolescents; Cannabis; Cognition



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Citation: Frolli A., et al. “Executive Functions and Cannabis Use in Adolescents". Acta Scientific Neurology 3.11 (2020): 54-62.


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