Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Editorial Volume 3 Issue 11

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management of Covid19 Patients: An Editorial Note

Piush Choudhry*

Post Graduate Certified Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Manipal Academy of Higher Sciences, Dr Choudhry Hospital, India

*Corresponding Author: Piush Choudhry, Post Graduate Certified Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Manipal Academy of Higher Sciences, Dr Choudhry Hospital, India.

Received: September 26, 2020; Published: September 30, 2020


  Artificial intelligence has now become an integral part of our healthcare infrastructure such as precision medicine in cancer diagnosis, radiological analysis, digital pathology reporting, surgical robots to name a few besides finding brain activity in clinically unresponsive patients. Neural networks are now trained to detect changes in chest x-rays that can predict mortality upto twelve years in advance using parameters such as aortic calcification and heart size. Covid19 is a global pandemic and a life threatening condition that would largely benefit by a software that can cope with unpredictable mutations in viruses which are often beyond routine human observation. The development of vaccines, optimal drug therapy and detection of asymptomatic cases are some areas where artificial intelligence is currently being used. In asymptomatic cases for example lung changes can be correlated with presence of Covid19 infection. Unilateral ground glass appearance together with a negative Covid19 test have been seen over the past few months which later progresses to bilateral consolidation and positive Covid19 tests. As CT Scans are easily available, data for symptoms, nasal swabs, RT-PCR tests together with the history of travel or contact with a Covid19 patient can be trained into a model that can predict the likelihood of the test patient being infected with the virus and suspect cases given priority. Fortunately, the recovery rate has crossed over 80% so any further detection would only enhance the treatment by prompt diagnosis and early intervention.





Citation: Piush Choudhry. “Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management of Covid19 Patients: An Editorial Note". Acta Scientific Neurology 3.11 (2020): 01.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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