Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 9

Typical and Atypical NMOSD - Its Implications

Venkata Krishna Chaitanya Koduri*, Venkata Sundarachary Nagarjunakonda, Veeramma Uppala and Ramakrishna Gajula

Guntur Medical College and Government General Hospital, Guntur, AP, India

*Corresponding Author: Venkata Krishna Chaitanya Koduri, Department of Neurology, 3rd Floor, Podili Prasad Super Speciality Block, Government General Hospital, Guntur, AP, India.

Received: July 23, 2020; Published: August 31, 2020



Background: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) has evolved from Devic's classical description to a broader disease spectrum of NMO Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD), from monophasic illness to a polyphasic illness with multiple recurrences, disease confined to optic nerve and spinal cord to now brain stem, cerebrum and even with endocrinopathy due to hypothalamic involvement [1], coexisting infections [2] and a variety of autoimmune diseases, including non-organ specific autoimmune diseases and co-existent autoantibodies without diseases [3].

Objectives: To report, the epidemiological characteristics, clinical presentations, recurrence rate, treatment and response to therapy in 23 patients with NMO spectrum disorder among the Indian population.

Materials and Methods: An observational, retrospective analysis of our prospectively maintained data base of patients during the period of May 2018 - June 2018 who satisfied International Panel for NMO Diagnosis (IPND) revised criteria [4] of NMOSD was done.


  1. 23 case records of NMOSD were retrieved. 14 cases were aquaporin4 positive and 9 were aquaporin4 negative.
  2. Mean age is 39.6 years. Median age is 42 years (Range 17 - 64). Female to male ratio is 1:2.8.
  3. Clinical presentations included longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis being the most common followed by optic neuritis, area postrema syndrome, seizures and brainstem encephalitis.
  4. Two had associated herpes simples virus encephalitis, one CSF VDRL positivity. Two had associated retro viral disease.
  5. Two had ANA, Anti ds DNA antibody positive vasculitis.
  6. One had CSF oligoclonal bands in CSF and an open ring enhancement on MRI suggestive of tumefactive demyelination.

Discussion and Conclusion:

  • Contrary to current literature an unusual there is male preponderance in our study population [1,5,6].
  • Atypical lesions or course (Red flags) should suggest additional work up for associated diseases and prompt treatment of which can lead to significant recovery.
  • Aquaporin 4 antibody positivity, severity at presentation, associated diseases and relapse rate determine the prognosis.

Keywords: Typical NMOSD; Atypical NMOSD; NMOSD Associated Diseases



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Citation: Venkata Krishna Chaitanya Koduri., et al. “Typical and Atypical NMOSD - Its Implications". Acta Scientific Neurology 3.9 (2020): 128-135.


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