Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Literature Review Volume 3 Issue 9

COVID-19 and the Brain

Maria Elena López1* and Sofia Isea2

1Pediatrics Department of Luanda Medical Center, Consultant, Venezuela
2Surgeon Physician Attached to the Medical Assistance Residency of Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad, Venezuela

*Corresponding Author: Maria Elena López, Pediatrics Department of Luanda Medical Center, Consultant, Venezuela.

Received: July 19, 2020; Published: August 25, 2020



During the present pandemic of COVID-19 disease, interest has shifted from the respiratory system affectation to involvement of other organs and systems. Recently pre-eminence of neurological symptoms and signs has emerged. We have done a comprehensive review of the literature published as open access in various databases with the purpose of increasing our understanding of the disease and aid in the identification of patients with these neurological conditions. We have reviewed articles reporting neurologic manifestations in young individuals and children. Although there is nor enough data to establish prevalence of the conditions affecting pediatric population, as the number of worldwide cases increases we expect to find an increase in these reports. it is considered of utmost importance to urge clinicians to document symptoms and neurological signs in the context of the disease in order to contribute to a better understanding of Neurocovid and to generate a body of knowledge that influences the optimization of the diagnosis and approach of this entity, taking as a premise that the early installation of individualized and reasoned treatments will translate in a better survival rate of those affected and lower the occurrence of eventual ongoing deficits.

Keywords: COVID-19; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SAPS); Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)



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Citation: Maria Elena López and Sofia Isea. “COVID-19 and the Brain".Acta Scientific Neurology 3.9 (2020): 41-46.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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