Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 9

Post-intensive Care Syndrome in COVID 19: Monitoring from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Clinical Psychology

Espinosa-Gil Rosa María1* and Monteagudo-Santamaría María2

1Clinical Psychologist, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital, Murcia Spain
2Head of Service, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital, Murcia, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Espinosa-Gil Rosa María, Clinical Psychologist, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Virgen de la Arrixaca University Hospital, Murcia Spain.

Received: July 10, 2020; Published: August 12, 2020



  The Covid-19 has been a great challenge. At this time, it is interesting to approach patients with severe COVID who have required prolonged admission to the Critical Care Unit (ICU), intubation with connections to mechanical respiration, even connection to the extracorporeal oxygenation membrane (ECMO), because our hospital (Virgen de la Arrixaca, University Hospital, in Murcia), is reference for connection to ECMO. We have elaborated a process/protocol for offering physical and psychological care (assessment, diagnosis and treatment) from the hospital environment and specifically from Rehabilitation Service. This constitutes a challenge and we consider that it will have a significant improvement in both physical and psychological symptoms. We are working in the context to Post ICU Syndrome. The sample is reduced by the severity of the patients. We cannot offer results due to the recent pandemic and because in our region it occurred one month later than in the rest of the most affected regions in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao). We are in the first medical and psychological evaluations and treatment in the actuality.

Keywords: Rehabilitation; Sars Covid-19; PTSD; Family Therapy; ICU Acquired Weakness



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Citation: Espinosa-Gil Rosa María and Monteagudo-Santamaría María. “Post-intensive Care Syndrome in COVID 19: Monitoring from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Clinical Psychology".Acta Scientific Neurology 3.9 (2020): 33-38.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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