Azma Waseem1*, Usama Akram2, Waseem Ahmad3 and M Fazil4
1Research Officer, S-III, Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine, (CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), New Delhi, India
2Research Officer, Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine, (CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), New Delhi, India
3Technical Officer, Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine, (CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), New Delhi, India
4In charge, Research Officer, S-IV, Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine, (CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), New Delhi, India
*Corresponding Author: Azma Waseem, Research Officer, S-III, Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for Literary and Historical Research in Unani Medicine, (CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India), New Delhi, India.
Received: April 23, 2020; Published: May 12, 2020
The term mental disease is not restricted to mean insanity and allied conditions of mental derangement but also includes, to a certain extent, the emotional disorders. When emotional factors cross the state of normalcy, one gets deranged to show the syndromes of mental disorder, very often. These pathologies affect all categories of person, race, sex and age. Many synthetic psychoactive molecules such as antiepileptic, antidepressants, anxiolytics are used in modern medicine to treat these pathologies. But allopathic medicine is not found very effective. Further, cost, dependency on diagnostic tools, increasing adverse effects and symptomatic rather than curative approach of allopathic medicine made the world population seeking an alternative medical system. Currently, the world is looking towards traditional medicines, including Unani pathy for a reliable cure for psychiatric disorders. Little research has approached the specific case of plants used to treat nervous system disorders. It is necessary to report psychic disorders treated by medicinal plants in Unani Medicine. It is high time to look back to the Unani system of medicine wherein a number of plants and mineral origin drugs have been described for specific uses for a range of mental disorders. An attempt has been made in this paper to highlight the beneficial Unani plant origin drugs in psychiatric problems. These plants have been reported for their potential in treating many neuropsychiatric problems. Some research studies conducted on the scientific parameters on the plant drugs will also be provided to show the potential of these drugs which may help in development of new intervention or a substitute for conventional drug, or that can be used as an adjuvant.
Keywords: Psychiatric Disorders; Unani Medicine; Adjuvant; Amraz-I Nafsaniya
Citation: Azma Waseem., et al. “Medicinal Plants Used for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Unani Medicine".Acta Scientific Neurology 3.6 (2020): 11-17.
Copyright: © 2020 Azma Waseem., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.