Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 4

Love, Bonding Phenomenon, and the Healthy Narcissism

Ronnie Solan* and Anat Ben-Artsy

Israel Psychoanalytic Society, International Psychoanalytic Association, Israel

*Corresponding Author: Ronnie Solan, Israel Psychoanalytic Society, International Psychoanalytic Association, Israel.

Received: February 10, 2020; Published: March 20, 2020



  It is common psychoanalytic knowledge that the influence deriving from childhood experiences carries well on into adulthood. This article’s main objective is to disclose the survival motive behind the influence of childhood experiences throughout life. The survival motive seems to relate to the Healthy Narcissism Processing [1-3], a process metaphorically scrutinized to an Emotional immune system. Memory traces of childhood experiences, such as intimacy with the object or Separation Anxiety, etc., reverberate all along life through the processing of Healthy Narcissism. Accordingly, the sense of the Familiar Self may be preserved, immunized and assisted. Likewise, the “Me” and its belongings (like its objects and love relations) are recognized as familiar, stimulated to be restored, revived and recharged in present experiences according to past involvements. Re-finding the familiar senses in present events, according to the models of past experiences, facilitates adaptation to daily relationships and to almost familiar occurrences. Moreover, echoes of memory traces of love, bonding phenomenon and happiness enables the immune individual’s Self to carry on love by “… binding together considerable numbers of people…and create[s] new bonds with people who before were strangers” as Freud [4] said (p. 101). The Healthy Narcissism thus preserves not only the sense of the Familiar True Self and its original object but also its new objects’ love, its affiliation to the family, to society and to the world. In this respect, the innate Healthy Narcissistic and its function as immune processing might be considered as a survival mechanism, in the service of life instinct. As Freud [4] claimed - “The love which founded the family continues to operate in civilization…” (p. 101).

Conclusion: EEG findings should be considered as an important tool for the diagnosis, management and the follow up of the disease especially in some difficult cases.

Keywords: Love; Happiness; Narcissism; Healthy Narcissism; Attachment; Bonding; Immune System; Emotional Immune System; Object Relations; Bonding; Emotional Resilience



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Citation: Ronnie Solan and Anat Ben-Artsy. “Love, Bonding Phenomenon, and the Healthy Narcissism”. Acta Scientific Neurology 3.4 (2020): 09-17.


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