Alexis Antequera G1* Francisco García2, Marvin Alvarado3, Guillermo Valenzuela4, Sergio Sacchettoni5, Zaymis Mejia6, Gabriela Mora7 and Nayrent Chaffardett M8
1Neurosurgeon, Valencia Polyclinic Center, University of Carabobo, Venezuela, South America
2General Surgeon, CHET University of Carabobo, Venezuela, South America
3General Surgeon, Valencia Polyclinic Center, Venezuela, South America
4General Practitioner, University of West, Venezuela, South America
5Neurosurgeon, Vargas Hospital Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela, South America
6General Practitioner, Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic, Venezuela, South America
7General Practitioner, CHET University of Carabobo, Venezuela, South America
8Pediatrician in Ciudad Hospitalaria Dr. Enrique Tejera, Valencia
*Corresponding Author: Alexis Antequera G, Neurosurgeon, Valencia Polyclinic Center, University of Carabobo, Venezuela, South America.
Received: November 29, 2019; Published: January 10, 2020
The disc lesions, has led to a boom in cervical spine surgery, appearing in a wide variety of approach techniques, which involve the use of implants (prostheses -maintaining the mobility of segments, and cages -fusion of segments-) conceiving limitations in the surgical act, to predefine if they adapt to the dimensions required of the patient. The most of implants invented to treat the degenerative cervical spine are based in Caucasian or Asian populations leaving out Hispanic population.
General Objective: To establish the dimensions of the cervical endplate and the intersomatic space in a sample of Venezuelan adults.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample, consisting of 121 subjects between 30 and 65 years old, who went to two centers of imagenelogy, in the north of Valencia, Venezuela.
Results: AP diameter was C2 to C6 15.07 mm, C7-T1 16.05 mm, related in 83.5% and 90.9% respectively to the reference parameters. Height of the intersomatic space 5.60 mm.
Conclusions: this study showed that there are no important morphometric differences with respect to other studies, but it was found that the values of the cages are greater than the data in this study. Likewise, the dimensions of the prostheses, although they have a standard average in their transverse diameter, are greater in height and depth. Therefore, the use of X-rays and MRI is necessary in the surgical planning and selection of the appropriate size of the instruments to be used to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications associated with the use of implants.
Keywords: Spinal Column; Disc Disease; Arthroplasty; Radiography; Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Citation: Alexis Antequera G., et al. “Morphometric Study of the Endplates and Intersomatic Spaces in Cervical Spine. Valencia Polyclinic Center - Venezuela. March - August 2013”.Acta Scientific Neurology 3.2 (2020): 28-36.
Copyright: © 2020 Alexis Antequera G., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.