Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 2

Pathobiology of Migraine and its Putative Premonitory Signs-A Critical Commentary

Jasmer Singh*, Jarnail Singh Lyall, Kamaldeep Singh Lyall, Karamvir Singh Dhillon and Kundan Singh Dhillon

Retired Scientist From Punjab Agricultural University, India

*Corresponding Author: Jasmer Singh, Retired Scientist From Punjab Agricultural University, India.

Received: November 18, 2019; Published: January 04, 2020



  Migraine is an episodic, recurrent neurological disease producing mild to severe headaches which affect humans of all ages. Before adolescent this disease occurs equally both in males and females. After menarche women are affected ~three times more than men which is mostly due to fluctuating hormone levels because of menstruation in females as men don’t. Migraine evolution appears to be exclusively due to damage to the myelin sheath and neurodegeneration involving trigeminal nerve. The fluctuating sex hormones disturb the mineral homeostasis. Particularly, iron and copper which are transitional minerals and act as catalysts in metabolic processes that generate Free Radicals/ROS. Whenever ROS are produced in excess they overwhelm the body’s antioxidant defense resulting in damage to myelin sheath, thus, exposing hypersensitive axons resulting in migraine pain. Similarly, other cranial nerves which are responsible for specific sensory and motor activities transmit special nerve impulses from the injured myelin/axon to higher centers which executes the specific response. Such responses manifest as visual, auditory, speech, allodynia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and many more symptoms as PS. Hence, it is opined that PS have been erroneously attributed as part of migraine. Furthermore, the PS may occur in the absence of migraine and migraine does manifest many times in absence of putative PS. However, PS and migraine disease might have a common substrate for their etiology. Further investigations shall precisely clarify the situation and the control measures in vogue are not rendering the desired results.

Keywords: Pathobiology; Putative Premonitory



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Citation: Jasmer Singh., et al. “Pathobiology of Migraine and its Putative Premonitory Signs-A Critical Commentary". Relationship Between Both Values”.Acta Scientific Neurology 3.2 (2020): 03-14.


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