Acta Scientific Neurology

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 1

MIND Diet in Delaying Parkinsonian Signs in Elderly Population

Rajib Dutta1* and Swatilekha Roy Sarkar2#

1MD, Neurology, India

2MDS, Consultant Orthodontist, India

*Corresponding Author: Rajib Dutta, MD, Neurology, India. E-mail:

Received: December 17, 2019; Published: December 23, 2019



   Parkinsonian signs like unsteadiness of gait, rigidity, bradykinesia and tremor are very common in elderly population and can affect activities of daily living. It can predict incidence of dementia in future and is the real reason behind mortality and disability because of its progressing nature. In fact there is no known definite treatment in clinical practice at this moment. Few preventive strategies can be used to control this loss of motor functions in this age group like special diet patterns, physical activity like aerobic exercise, biofeedback balance training, avoidance of antipsychotic drugs (APD) etc. Here in this article we will review about the dietary patterns specially MIND(Mediterranean DASH intervention of neurological delay) which can delay parkinsonism and parkinsonian signs in old age population.

Keywords: MIND; Healthy Diet; Parkinsonism; Parkinsonian; Elderly; Motor Decline



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Citation: Rajib Dutta and Swatilekha Roy Sarkar. "MIND Diet in Delaying Parkinsonian Signs in Elderly Population".Acta Scientific Neurology 3.1 (2020): 25-30.


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