Food Surveillance of Salmonella spp. and Impacts on Public Health and Brazilian Economy
Renata Vieira Chaves Gabriel1,2, Ionara Cabral Ramos2, Dhyovana Paola Mendes de Lima3, Vanessa Novaes Alves Queiroz3, Isabela Gonçalves da Silva3, Allisson Pedro Alves3, Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva3* and Higor Oliveira Silva2
1Federal University of Uberlândia, UFU, Brazil
2Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro, IFTM, Brazil
3University Center of Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva, University Center of Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil.
January 24, 2025; Published: February 03, 2025
Salmonella is a bacterial genus with a major economic and public health impact, responsible for salmonellosis, a foodborne infection that affects millions of people worldwide. Capable of multiplying in food and water, it is one of the main causes of food- and water-borne diseases. In Brazil, recurrent outbreaks result in hospitalizations and economic losses, mainly in products of animal origin, highlighting the need for rigorous and permanent control and prevention measures. Cooperation between government, industry and consumers is essential to ensure food safety and minimize impacts on public health and the economy. Contamination control involves hygiene practices, food education and public health strategies to avoid cross-contamination. Another challenge is antimicrobial resistance, which makes it difficult to treat infections, increases morbidity and mortality rates and affects health systems and industry. Advanced technologies, such as PCR, biosensors and genetic sequencing (NGS), have improved detection, strengthening outbreak response and food safety. Based on a review of the literature from the last 10 years, this study addresses the pathogenic mechanisms of Salmonella and its involvement in foodborne outbreaks. Brazil has made progress in regulations, food surveillance and the use of new technologies. These actions reduce the incidence of salmonellosis and promote food safety, reinforcing ongoing efforts in public health and sustainable production.
Keywords: Salmonella; Brazil; Food Safety
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