Acta Scientific Microbiology

Editorial Volume 8 Issue 2

Pneumonia Patients Associated with Ventilator with Short-Course Antimicrobial Treatment

Attapon Cheepsattayakorn1,2,3,4*, Ruangrong Cheepsattayakorn5 and Porntep Siriwanarangsun1

1Faculty of Medicine, Western University, Pathumtani Province, Thailand
2Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University, Bangkok, Thailand
310th Zonal Tuberculosis and Chest Disease Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand
4Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
5Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

*Corresponding Author: Attapon Cheepsattayakorn, 10th Zonal Tuberculosis and Chest Disease Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Received: December 02, 2024; Published: January 01, 2025


Pneumonia, the second most prevalent nosocomial infection among patients in critical care, affects almost 27% of all critically ill patients [1]. Linkage to mechanical ventilation is found around 86% of nosocomial pneumonia patients and are referred to as ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) [1]. Due to instrumentation of the airway during mechanical ventilation, which lasts for >48 h, the oropharynx and trachea structures may Received: December 02, 2024 Published: January 01, 2025 © All rights are reserved by Attapon Cheepsattayak., et al. There is limitation and restriction of the VAP-antimicrobial optimal-duration therapy with a few clinical-trial findings in current be affected. Secretions and flora from upper respiratory tract can infiltrate the lower respiratory system causing VAP by affecting the lung parenchyma


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Citation: Attapon Cheepsattayakorn., et al. “Pneumonia Patients Associated with Ventilator with Short-Course Antimicrobial Treatment". Acta Scientific Microbiology 8.2 (2025): 01-03.


Copyright: © 2025 Attapon Cheepsattayakorn., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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