Khalidullin OH*
Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
*Corresponding Author: Khalidullin OH, Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan.
Received: September 09, 2024; Published: October 18, 2024
Citation: Khalidullin OH. “Cooperation between Humanity and Nature to Preserve the Climate". Acta Scientific Microbiology 7.11 (2024):35-37.
A lot of time has passed since the publication of the article on flood prevention: Proposals for flood prevention have not been heard. New floods are occurring in Europe, Asia and other continents.
Dredging the bottom of rivers with modern technology is quite outdated morally. A lot of metal. Almost all mechanisms and components are original, quite complex. The product consumes a lot of fuel, requires a highly qualified staff of specialists for continuous management and control. Raised bottom sediments cover significant coastal areas, require drainage and storage. The main energy consumer is the lead propellers to stabilize the vessel at a given place to resist the flow of the river. Others in terms of energy consumption are drives for sediment breakers and pumps for pumping slurry.
Dredging is carried out in local places, zones of impact of activators connected to the base floating facility, the movement of which is limited by stabilization points.
The current situation in many rivers is a gradual inevitable rise in the bottom of rivers along the entire length of the soil of the banks and constantly increasing waste products of human activity. In case of floods and heavy precipitation, the reduced profile does not contain all the waters of the river and parts of these waters overflow their banks. Often with devastating floods.
Deepening the river along the entire length with well-known dredgers is unproductive, inefficient and temporary - pits are very quickly brought in.
The concept of river maintenance is proposed. Rivers are channels that carry masses of water to the seas and oceans and along which ships sail and fish migrate. A blocked river accumulates water to rotate the turbines of electric generators. Rivers also receive wastewater and industrial waste. Like any structure used by civilization, these canals require attention and care. Methods of rotating turbines without raising the water level above river banks are known. There is a complex of Bodyakin's inventions. The continuous rise of the river bottom must be stopped and/or periodically and regularly cleaned, maintaining a given depth. Mass-produced dredgers do not cope with such a task.
In principle, it is necessary to change the relationship between humanity and rivers. Namely: To ensure the protection of coasts and coastal areas from destructive floods during floods and heavy rainfall, the preservation of water for summer use, freedom of movement of fish and shipping transport. As well as providing the necessary potential for the rotation of turbines of electric generators of hydroelectric power plants.
The complex of all these measures is based on the invention of a small device - in comparison with a dredger - in terms of dimensions, insignificant in terms of metal intensity. Does not require generators and motors in nominal mode. It operates due to the movement of river water without direct operational control. It removes a small layer of bottom sediments, moves after the cloud of raised suspension. Ten or a hundred of these devices, launched into the river one after another, will remove some layer of the bottom throughout the river. In the lake, sea or reservoir of the reservoir to be arranged, where they will approach, they will be lifted and transported back for restart. More interesting is the option of self-refund. A small generator set and lead screw are provided for this. In fact, it turns out to be an unmanned underwater drone that independently moves along the bottom due to the current in dredging mode and by turning on the lead propellers - in transport mode to move against the current to return to its original state. At low water flow speeds, lead screws can also be connected to increase productivity. They can also be used for stagnant waters of lakes, swamps, sea shores.
The device harmoniously joins the family of unmanned devices that are now conquering many industries of production, services, research, and wars.
The drone becomes a mechanism that differs from everything that moves and affects the environment, soil surface, destruction, and exhaust gas pollution. The new method of influencing bottom sediments fundamentally changes the relationship between humanity and nature. An unprecedented function appears - the impact of mechanisms using natural phenomena - the forces of the river flow - on the change of some elements of the earth's surface. In this case, the change in the bottom of the rivers preserves and changes the profile of the rivers. It does not destroy the environment by carrying bottom sediments ashore, burning fuel, as it happens with the use of modern dredgers. The device helps nature to contain river profiles with specified properties.
The bottom of rivers deepens and stabilizes its specified value. The possibility of water overflowing the banks and floods is reduced.
The principle can be applied to the formation of the bottom surface not only of rivers, seas, oceans. not necessarily underwater surfaces. Often it is necessary to have a controlled effect on the gusts of deserts, snow and sand covers, and road cleaning. Here the driving forces are not the currents of water, but the winds of air masses.
Design solutions can determine the shapes, sizes, and number of devices for specific rivers and objects
The technical solution is ready for patent or know-how. You need a team, an enterprise that takes on a new business.
It can become the author, manufacturer, pioneer and leader of a new unprecedented technology. And also the founder of devices of all the other directions shown.
The author calls for and waits for concrete proposals for the implementation of the invention. The invention is one of the essential measures to reduce artificial vapors - the main cause of climate change:
The Climate is Governed by a New Substance - Artificial Vapors.
Copyright: © 2024 Khalidullin OH. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.