Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 4

Soil Fertility Status and Microbial Population of Kautha Village Newasa Tahasil of District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

VP Pawar1*, BD Takate1, MB Ghadge2, PB Yelwande3, YP Lolage4 and SP Ghanwat5

1,4School of Earth Science Ramanand Tirth Marathawada University Nanded, Loknete Marutrao Ghule Patil D.S.S.K. Ltd Bhende Newasa, Ahmednagar (MH), India

2Trimurti Art’s, commerce and Science College Dhorjalgaon Shevgaon, Ahmednagar (MH), India

3Shaineshwar Madhyamic and Ucchamadyamik vidyalaya Sonai Newasa, Ahmednagar (MH), India

5MES’S Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya Newasa, Ahmednagar (MH), India

*Corresponding Author: VP Pawar, Krushi Vigyan Farm, Loknete Marutrao Ghule Patil D.S.S.K. Ltd Bhende Newasa, Ahmednagar (MH), India.

Received: February 22, 2023; Published: March 14, 2023


Present study was carried out during 2021-2022 at Krushi vigyan Farm, Soil testing laboratory of Loknete Marutrao Ghule Patil DSSK Ltd Bhende. 122 soil samples were collected from different agriculture lands of Kautha village, Newasa Tahasil, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) India for the present study. Agriculture area of the village is 1220 hectares. One soil sample per ten hectare area was taken randomly. The parameters such as pH, Electrical conductivity, organic carbon, Microbial population, available nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, and micronutrients like zinc, ferrous, copper, manganese were analyzed. 122 samples were analyzed for soil nutrient status. On the basis of results obtained, it was recorded that, pH was 7.8, electrical conductivity 0.97 ds/m, organic carbon 0.29% microbial population 4x10-4 c.f.u. per gram soil. Available nitrogen and phosphates were lower; while available potassium was very high. Soils were deficient in Ferrous (100%) followed by zinc (99.18%) and manganese (70.49%), while there was no deficiency of copper. This overall deficiency of nutrient is due to low organic carbon percentage and microbial population in the soil.

 Keywords: Soil; Micronutrients; Nutrient Status


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Citation: VP Pawar., et al. “Soil Fertility Status and Microbial Population of Kautha Village Newasa Tahasil of District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India". Acta Scientific Microbiology 6.4 (2023): 40-43.


Copyright: © 2022 VP Pawar., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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