Ali L Alhouri1, Shahm L Alhouri2 and Rim M Harfouch3*
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Al Andalus University for Medical Sciences, Tartous, Syria 2Faculty of Dentistry, Al Hawash University, Homs, Syria 3Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Sham private University (ASPU), Syria
*Corresponding Author: Rim M Harfouch, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Sham private University (ASPU), Syria.
Received: October 21, 2022; Published: January 27, 2023
Background: The world witnessed an unprecedented spread of monkeypoxin May 2022, which is a viral disease caused by Monkeypox virus, and rumors spread about it in the social media and news [1].
Methods: This study is conducted to show the attitude of the Syrian society against the monkeypox virus by spreading an online questionnaire to study the percentage of Syrians’ concern and worries about this disease globally and locally. The online questionnaire questions were based on a similar article, which is for a study conducted in South Nigeria to study the extent to which people know about monkeypox [2].
Then we used Google Form to create and distribute the questionnaire to a range of the Syrian population, then the results were analyzed and a descriptive statistic was conducted for them, then the data charts were made by using Excel Microsoft Office 2013.
Results: The results of the questionnaire were discussed from the following points of view: Percentage of people afraid of monkeypox spreading, reasons why people are afraid of monkeypox, The percentage of people who expect monkeypox to become a pandemic, The percentage of people who think that the Syrian health system will be able to deal with this disease, and source of information about monkeypox.
Discussion: There is a good percentage of Syrians worried and afraid of the turning of the smallpox into a pandemic and its spread in Syria. Therefore, several steps should be taken in order to prevent the outbreak of monkeypox in Syria, and the role of the public health profession in Syria must be empowered in order to facing this disease.
Keywords: Monkeypox; Syria; Virus; Questionnaire
Citation: Rim M Harfouch., et al. “A Questionnaire to Study the Extent of Worry and Fear of the Syrian Community About the Spread of Monkeypox Globally". Acta Scientific Microbiology 6.2 (2023): 103-108.
Copyright: © 2022 Rim M Harfouch., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.