Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12

Biodegradation Ability of Yeast Isolate AB – 01 on Engine Oil Polluted Soils in Jos Metropolis

JM Madu1*, AI Ogbonna2, BO Ojiego1, F Dantanko1 and AI Njoku3

1Department of Environmental Biotechnology Bio Conservation, National Biotechnology Development Agency, Abuja, Nigeria

2Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Jos, Nigeria

3Department of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Jos, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: JM Madu, Department of Environmental Biotechnology Bio Conservation, National Biotechnology Development Agency, Abuja, Nigeria.

Received: November 10, 2022; Published: November 18, 2022


The degradation of crude oil by yeasts and bacteria has recently developed become an important beneficial effect in connection with marine pollution. This has helped in the reduction in the dangers of spraying large quantities of toxic chemical detergents and emulsifying agents on crude oil polluted soils. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of already isolated indigenous yeast AB-01 on engine oil polluted soil samples for its biodegradation.

The soil samples used were collected from two locations. Sample A was collected from Federal College of Forestry and Sample B was collected from Bauchi Junction, both from Jos metropolis. The samples were collected from 10 cm depth using soil surface sterilized auger. They were taken to the laboratory in clean polythene bags for processing. The polythene bags were labeled accordingly. Each contained about 500g of soil samples. The analysis of different ecological parameters such pH, Moisture content, Organic content and colour and Texture, Rate of water percolation and yeast isolate on formulated medium using 1% engine oil were done.

Results: The results of the ecological parameters of the soil samples revealed that the pH of samples A and B were 5.52 and 5.28 respectively indicating that the soils percentage slightly acidic. The moisture content of the soil samples A and B were found to be 9.75 and 16.80 respectively. The percentage organic content of soil samples A and B w are found to be 22.2% and 11.4% respectively.

The results of water percolation rate of the soil samples A and B revealed that the soils that were bioremedied with the yeast cells drained more water than the control. The result as shown indicates that within the same time limits, soil samples A and B drained more water, 190 ml than the control sample. The results of the inoculation of the yeast isolate on formulated medium using 1% engine oil showed that there was growth of the yeast cells grow on the medium supplemented with engine oil as the sole carbon source. The initiation of growth of the yeast cells grow faster on the medium without engine oil which served as control. The initiation of growth on the engine oil Agar took a longer time of 48 hours before there was growth. After then, the growth flourished.

Keywords: Engine Oil; Degradation; Crude Oil


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Citation: JM Madu., et al. “Biodegradation Ability of Yeast Isolate AB – 01 on Engine Oil Polluted Soils in Jos Metropolis". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.12 (2022): 56-61.


Copyright: © 2022 JM Madu., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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