Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 11

Implementation Dynamics Regarding TB Infection Prevention Strategies in Tshwane District Healthcare Facilities

WK Malebati1* and Thuledi Makua2

1PhD Nursing, 97 Azima Street Doornpoort, Pretoria, South Africa

2Professor (DLitt et Phil), University of South Africa, South Africa

*Corresponding Author: WK Malebati, PhD Nursing, 97 Azima Street Doornpoort, Pretoria, South Africa.

Received: September 15, 2022; Published: October 14, 2022


Background: Tuberculosis infection prevention and control remain the priority in prevent the risk of spread tuberculosis in the healthcare facilities. It is not yet known whether tuberculosis prevention strategies are protecting healthcare practitioners against tuberculosis infection in the healthcare facilities.

Aim: To explore the implementation dynamics of the tuberculosis (TB) infection prevention strategies amongst healthcare practitioner in Tshwane district, Gauteng province of South Africa.

Settings: Tshwane district healthcare facilities (4 district hospitals, 5 Community Health Centre (CHC) and 8 clinics.) caring for suspected or confirmed TB infected patients.

Method: Used a qualitative, descriptive and interpretive phenomenology, an exploratory research design was used to explore the implementation dynamics regarding the TB infection prevention and control strategies in Tshwane district.

Findings: Lack of support and involvement of management to deal with challenges faced by healthcare service professional in the implementation of TB prevention strategies; shortage of qualified socialised practitioners in the healthcare facilities, poor facility infrastructural design.

Results: The findings revealed four themes namely: knowledge that limit the ability of healthcare practitioners to comply with TB prevention strategies; lack of managerial support and involvement to deal with challenges faced by healthcare practitioners in the implementation of TB prevention strategies, inadequate supply of correct PPE’s especially the N95 respirator, shortage of human resources and poor facilities infrastructural designs.

Conclusion: The study could not be generalised in the entire South African regions; it concludes that new developed strategies could guide and assist healthcare practitioners to effectively implement infection prevention strategies in four district hospitals, Seven Community health centres (CHC) and four 12 hourly clinics of Tshwane district healthcare facilities for managing suspected or confirmed tuberculosis infected patients. The study suggests further research in the same field.

Keywords: Prevention; Strategy; Dynamics; Caring; Tuberculosis; Patients; Dynamics; Practitioners


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Citation: WK Malebati and Thuledi Makua. “Implementation Dynamics Regarding TB Infection Prevention Strategies in Tshwane District Healthcare Facilities". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.11 (2022): 03-16.


Copyright: © 2022 WK Malebati and Thuledi Makua. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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