Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 7

Need for Screening Presence/Absence of HLA Antibodies Before and/or After Transplantation

SR Kankonkar*

Consultant, (HOD), Histocompatibility and Tx Immunology Lab, Goa Medical College and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India

*Corresponding Author: SR Kankonkar, Consultant, (HOD), Histocompatibility and Tx Immunology Lab, Goa Medical College and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India.

Received: May 16, 2022; Published: June 10, 2022


Anti HLA antibodies are significant impediments in kidney transplantation. In 1969, Terasaki and Patel [1] reported association of hyper-acute renal allograft rejection with preformed lymphocytotoxic antibodies. Since then, various methodologies were introduced and adopted to study the role of HLA antibodies in acceptance/rejection mechanism of allograft Transplantation. Aim of the present study is to detect, analyse and evaluate anti HLA antibodies, pre and post transplantation in sensitised patients, using Solid Phase LABSCan3D (Luminex) Technology.

The present study comprised 12 clinical cases and 10 normal subjects for detection of HLA antibodies class I and II IDs PRA and L-SBA Cl I and CLII antigens, using LABSCan3D Luminex solid phase technology and CDC (T and B cells) XM.

Out of 12 cases having clinical history, 4 were females (parous), age between 43 -57 years and 8 males, age 35- 56 years. 3 females and one male who had a H/O Chronic rejection, were studied and found highly sensitised, cPRA >90%; MFI >21,150, L- SBA> 20,000 and CDC (T and B cell) XM was strongly positive. It was found that after 2 years of Tx, 2 patients were positive for HLA antibodies and had cPRA 66%, MFI > 1600, L-SBA > 1500 and another patient was weakly positive for IDs class I and II, and L-SBA Cl II. 1 patient, after one year of cadaver Tx and 3 patients before Tx, all were negative for antibodies.

Out of 2 transfused patients, one was weakly positive for ID Cl I, MFI 1225-1415, positive for Cl II MFI 1163-8136 and also positive for L-SBA Cl II, MFI 2000-4200. However, this patient was negative for Cl I SBA MFI <1000.

Total 7 patients were positive and 5 were negative for HLA antibodies. The results were compared with (CDC) XM. Only 2 patients were studied for Luminex XM (DSA) with Lysate, and results were found comparable.

Availability of solid-phase HLA antibody testing enhanced renal Tx outcome, especially monitoring Pre and Post Tx HLA antibodies, selection of donors and suitable choice of drug regimes. However, in the present study, due to non- availability of HLA typing, it was not possible to rule out and correlate Donor Specific Antibody (DSA) or production of De Novo antibodies or both in positive cases.

Keywords: De Novo; Panel Reactive Antibodies; Screening


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Citation: SR Kankonkar. “Need for Screening Presence/Absence of HLA Antibodies Before and/or After Transplantation". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.7 (2022): 29-34.


Copyright: © 2022 SR Kankonkar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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