Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria as Biofertilizers: Application in Agricultural Sustainability
Amirita Rochlani, Amrita Dalwani, NarinaBanoo Shaikh, Nidahurmain Shaikh, Sarita Sharma* and Meenu Saraf S
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of School of Sciences, Gujarat University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding Author: Sarita Sharma, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of School of Sciences, Gujarat University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
February 17, 2022; Published: March 03, 2022
The demand for agricultural productivity has increased dramatically as a result of civilization and industrialization. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides increase agricultural yields, but they can degrade soil fertility and quality, posing environmental risks. As a result, the need for environmentally friendly biological agents, such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, has skyrocketed in order to improve soil fertility and agricultural operations while also protecting environmental health. The active activity of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in the rhizosphere, which promotes the growth and development of host plants, has long been known. Plants growing compounds generated by these microbes have a direct or indirect effect on plant physiology, making them valuable agricultural goods in high demand. The plant's resistance power has been increased against biotic and abiotic stress conditions thanks to the PGPR's direct mechanisms (Nitrogen Fixation, Phosphate Solubilization, Phytohormone Production, and Exopolysaccharide Production) and indirect mechanisms (Siderophore Production, Antibiotic Production, HCN Production, Lytic Enzymes Production, Induced Systemic Resistance and Bioremediation). As a result, PGPR as a bio-fertilizer is a good alternative to chemical fertilizers because it is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. In this review study, we looked at the usage of PGPR as a bio-fertilizer for agriculture sustainability, as well as its direct and indirect effects on plant growth and development.
Keywords:PGPR; Rhizosphere; Biofertilizer; Agriculture Sustainability; Biocontrol Agent
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