Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review ArticleVolume 4 Issue 10

Growing Role of Arcobacters as an Emerging Potential Pathogen of Humans and Animals

Mahendra Pal1*, Mridula Devrani2, Adugna Girma Lema3 and Leena Gowda4

1Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, Anand, Gujarat, India
2National Commodities and Derivatives Exchange, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India
3Yemalog Walal Woreda Livestock and Fishery Development and Resource Office, Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
4Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, KVAFSU, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangaluru, India

*Corresponding Author: Mahendra Pal, Professor, Founder Director of Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, Anand, Gujarat, India.

Received: August 25, 2021; Published: September 20, 2021

Citation: Mahendra Pal., et al. “Growing Role of Arcobacters as an Emerging Potential Pathogen of Humans and Animals". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.10 (2021): 63-67.


  Arcobacters are recognized as emerging pathogens, and are reported from many countries of the world. In diverse parts of the world, Arcobacters have been found in domestic animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, and dogs), reptiles (lizards, snakes), meat (poultry, pork, goat, lamb, beef, and rabbit), vegetables, and humans. Arcobacter infections are spread generally through the contaminated food and water. Arcobacters have been related to human bacteremia, endocarditis, peritonitis, gastroenteritis, and diarrhea, as well as animal diarrhea, mastitis, and miscarriage. Clinical disorders are mostly related with three species namely A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, and A. skirrowii. The infection can take two forms: sporadic and epidemic. Exogenous infection is the predominant method of transmission, with ingestion as the primary source of infection. The laboratory help is required to establish the diagnosis of infection. Strategies should be planned to prevent the infection in humans as well as animals.

Keywords: Animals; Arcobacters; Bacteria; Emerging Pathogen; Food; Humans


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