Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Corticosteroid Actions on COVID-19 and SARS Viral Immune Pathology; A Review Article

SM Rathnasiri Bandara1 and HMMTB Herath2

1Dip in Psychiatry, Medical Officer, Kandy General Hospital, Sri Lanka
2Senior Registrar in National Hospital of Colombo, Sri Lanka

*Corresponding Author: Herath, Senior Registrar in National Hospital of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Received: October 14, 2020; Published: Febuary 27, 2021



  Only few studies are available to evaluate the effectiveness of corticosteroids in SARS and SARS-CoV-2. Corticosteroids is a hormone, as well as a drug, having therapeutic levels and lethal doses, so needs to balance the doses accordingly to the disease. Here we discuss the use of steroids in SARS, MERS and COVID-19 with reviewing the pharmacological and immunological basis of steroids in virus pathology. Steroids can be beneficial in these viral infections by suppressing SARS-CoV induced antibodies, T cells, B cells, cytokines, chemokines, complement signaling, antibody-dependent enhancement, vascular and hematological manifestations, viral replication and COX-2/PGE2 pathways. Steroids can also protects against cell apoptosis and enhance tissue recovery. Corticosteroids have shown some favorable outcomes in patients with SARS and COVID-19 but delayed viral clearance and secondary infections have been reported. Currently it is difficult to formulate clear recommendations regarding steroid use in COVID-19 but can be used in selected patients.

Keywords: SARS coV; SARS co V-2; Corticosteroids



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Citation: SM Rathnasiri Bandara and HMMTB Herath. “Corticosteroid Actions on COVID-19 and SARS Viral Immune Pathology; A Review Article". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.3 (2020): 176-190.


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