Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 1

Necroleachate and Public Health

Mariane Malvão Fernandes*

Department of Biology, Biology Expert, Universidade de Évora, USA

*Corresponding Author: Mariane Malvão Fernandes, Department of Biology, Biology Expert, Universidade de Évora, USA.

Received: November 03, 2020; Published: December 22, 2020



  This paper covers the relevance of necroleachate in cemeteries. Throughout history and nowadays the construction of cemeteries has always been a controversy. Such places are deemed as contaminants due to decomposition of natural bodies inappropriately buried, causing the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and environmental impact. However, the concern about the environmental issue in places occupied by cemeteries began in the midst of past century, and recently a great concern about the environment increased. Thus, environmental agencies made some resolutions to prevent that cemeteries become polluting agents, allowing them to operate only after a suitable environmental licensing. In view of this problem, analyses determined that necroleachate is gradually eliminated after burial, and it can reach the groundwater with the action of rainwater and contact with surface waters, bringing negative consequences since its matter causes potential damages to the environment and public health. When necroleachate pollutes the groundwater, we note that it puts at risk both the environment and citizens using ground watershed that can be contaminated by virtue of bacteria, virus, and protozoa. With the aim of environmental quality, it is necessary to apply necroleachate-treatment methods in order to turn it less toxic and pathogenic. This study was the basis of inspection for the Environmental Police of Rio de Janeiro, when the police commanders carried out forensic operations with their teams and they found glaring environmental crimes in all operations. The practice of the environmental police was facilitated by this study when they influenced Municipal and State administrators to comply with the current environmental legislation, reducing impacts on the environment. As uppermost point, the study was the basis of regional and national news about the criminal status of some municipal cemeteries, bringing the civil liability to governmental authorities.

Keywords: Necroleachate; Public Health; Perimeter



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Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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