Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 9

Pesticide Residue in Mango Orchards and Health Risk

Tari VSS1*, Patil PY1 and Karthik Kannan2

1Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Mumbai, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, Ratnagiri, MH, India
2Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

*Corresponding Author: Tari VSS, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Mumbai, Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, Ratnagiri, MH, India.

Received: July 06, 2020; Published: August 18, 2020



The Mango (Mangifera indica) crop is commercially grown in almost all nine Taluka of Ratnagiri district. This study aims to collect baseline data regarding pesticide residue. Mango leaf samples and soil samples of mango orchard collected across Ratnagiri district to understand either the study area is under impact of pesticide pollution or not. The soil and plant materials (mango leaf) were collected from 20 different randomly selected Mango orchards. These samples were analyzed by Gas Chromatography coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (GC-HRMS) qualitative analysis for determination of pesticide residue in the mango field at the Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra, India. The extraction of soil samples is carried out by Solid-liquid partition method followed by concentration using Kuderna-Danish concentrator apparatus. Extraction of plant material carried out by Soxhlet method. Electron impact ionization (EI with 70 eV ionization energy) mode is used during analysis. Present study reveals appearance of some pesticide residues in the field. Total 6 chemical pesticides residues viz. Carbendazim [Methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate], Cypermethrin [(Cyano - (3 - Phenoxyphenyl) methyl – 2) 3 - (2 – 2 - dichloroethyneyl) – 2, 2 dimethylcyclopropane – 1 – carboxylate], Hexaconezole (2 - (2, 4 - Dichlorophenyl) – 1 - (1H - 1, 2, 4 – triazol – 1 - yl) Hexan - 2 - ol), Imidacloprid (N - (1 - [(6 – chloro – 3 - pyridyl) methyl)] - 4, 5 - dihydroimidazol – 2 - yl) nitramide), Monocrotophos [Dimethyl (E) 1 – methyl - 2 - (methyl carbamoyl)and phorate [0, 0 – Diethyl – S - [(ethylsulphanyl) methyl] phosphorodithioate] were found from 5 different groups such as Organophosphate, Pyrethroid, Neonicotinoids, Triazole and Benzimidazole. This study is significantly showing that the study area (Ratnagiri district) is under impact of pesticide pollution. There is well felt need of organic farming of mango to reduce health risk.

Keywords: Mangifera indica; Soil and Plant Material; GC-HRMS; Pesticide Residue



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Citation: Tari VSS., et al. “Pesticide Residue in Mango Orchards and Health Risk". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.9 (2020): 08-14.


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