Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 8

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Movement Disorders: A Review of Observational Study

Opeyemi Oluwasanmi Adeloye1*, Oyeneyin Babatunde David2 and Olukoju Idowu2

1Rosad Neurodegenerative Research Institute Jos, University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital, Ondo, Nigeria
2University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital, Ondo, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Opeyemi Oluwasanmi Adeloye, Rosad Neurodegenerative Research Institute Jos, University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital, Ondo, Nigeria.

Received: June 22, 2020; Published: July 31, 2020



Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a painless non-invasive brain stimulation technique used in cortical function in healthy individuals, inter alia and the pathophysiology of movement disorders [1]. It has been using for the treatment of a large variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases. In this study, we describe the mechanism of TMS techniques and discuss the clinical uses of TMS as a potential diagnostic tool in movement disorders. We also illustrate the basic rationale on which the therapeutic use of transcranial magnetic stimulation is based in a patients with movement disorders.

Keywords: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS); Coil; Pulses



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Citation: Opeyemi Oluwasanmi Adeloye., et al. “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Movement Disorders: A Review of Observational Study". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.8 (2020): 122-131.


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