Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 7

Experimental Studies on Production of Biodiesel from Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil

Ahmad Tabish*

Department of Microbiology, Australia

*Corresponding Author: Ahmad Tabish, Department of Microbiology, Australia.

Received: April 16, 2020; Published: July 01, 2020



Increased environmental awareness and depletion of resources are driving industry to develop viable alternative fuels from renewable resources that are environmentally more acceptable. Vegetable oil is a potential alternative fuel. The most detrimental properties of vegetable oils are its high viscosity and low volatility, and these cause several problems during their long duration usage in compression ignition (CI) engines. The most commonly used method to make vegetable oil suitable for use in CI engines is to convert it into biodiesel, i.e. vegetable oil esters using process of transesterification.

Rice bran oil is an underutilized non-edible vegetable oil, which is available in large quantities in rice cultivating countries, and very little research has been done to utilize this oil as a replacement for mineral Diesel. In the present work, the transesterification process for production of rice bran oil methyl ester has been investigated. The optimum conditions for transesterification of rice bran oil with methanol and KOH as catalyst were found to be 60°C reaction temperature, 2h reaction time, 6:1 molar ratio of rice bran oil to methanol and 2% catalyst (w/w). The various properties such as viscosity, density, flash point, fire point etc. are compared with ASTM and DIN standard. The TLC method use for the confirmation of biodiesel and to calculate the yield. Results showed that biodiesel obtained under the optimum conditions has comparable properties to substitute mineral Diesel, hence, rice bran oil methyl ester biodiesel could be recommended as a mineral Diesel fuel substitute for compression ignition (CI) engines in transportation as well as in the agriculture sector.

Keywords: Compression Ignition (CI); Biodiesel; Transesterification; Rice Bran Oil



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Citation: Ahmad Tabish. “Experimental Studies on Production of Biodiesel from Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.7 (2020): 98-111b.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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