Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 5

Culture Parameters Affect the Light Emitting Property of Organisms Isolated from Two Marine Fishes

Anuradha Pandey and Madhuri Sharon*

Walchand Centre for Research in Nanotechnology and Bionanotechnology, WCAS, Solapur, Maharashtra India

*Corresponding Author: Madhuri Sharon, Walchand Centre for Research in Nanotechnology and Bionanotechnology, WCAS, Solapur, Maharashtra India.

Received: March 04, 2020; Published: April 16, 2020



  Organisms were isolated and cultured from two marine fishes (Stolephorus indicus and Nemipterus japonicus) that were exhibiting Bioluminescence. Identification and assessment of impact of five different culture media on the growth and light emission properties were studied. Isolates from both the fishes showed microbes to be gram negative Coccobacilli, Partial gene sequencing analysis suggested that the microbes belonged to Vibrio spp and Photobacterium spp. Biochemical analysis of both the bacterial isolates exhibited difference in sugar (Mannitol and Lactose), LDC, Indole and Urea content; suggesting that the two isolated colonies are different bioluminescent bacteria. Repeated subculture (to obtain pure colonies) of both the isolates resulted in gradual reduction in the intensity of luminescence of the bacteria and eventually loss of luminescence property occurred. However, luminescence was revived when they were grown in aerated condition.

Keywords: Bioluminescence; Anchovy Fish; Threadfin Bream Fish; Growth Curve; Lux Operon; Luciferase; Boss Medium



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Citation: Anuradha Pandey and Madhuri Sharon. “Culture Parameters Affect the Light Emitting Property of Organisms Isolated from Two Marine Fishes". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.5 (2020): 55-60.


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