Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Short Communication Volume 3 Issue 5

When Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hits Agriculture Grounds-A Short Review

Jai S Ghosh*

Department of Biotechnology, Smt. K. W. College, Sangli, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Jai S Ghosh, Department of Biotechnology, Smt. K. W. College, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

Received: March 25, 2020; Published: April 14, 2020



  At the very onset it is very essential to understand the chronology of pandemics of different viral respiratory diseases in humans and their most probable origins its impact on different aspects of economy. If one examines the history of certain recent respiratory viral diseases on humans, then one needs to recollect some of the pandemics of influenza diseases. It was first discovered that in 1918 the Spanish flu caused by H1N1 virus was sweeping the world [1]. Around the same time a swine flu virus (H1N2) was seen to be infecting human beings in US [2]. Later on in 1957 the Asian flu caused by H2N2 virus was taking its toll [3]. In 1968 the Hongkong flu caused by H3N2 was killing many people especially in China [4]. In 1998 a variant of H1N1 virus was found in United States among the Pigs reared for meat [5]. Soon this spread to humans but this time it was not the Spanish flu but the Swine flu [5]. There was noted antigenic shift in this virus from the ones that caused Spanish flu. The authorities in US then started slaughtering pigs after compensating the farmers who had to bear the brunt of the outbreaks. Of course it did contain the epidemic then. Time went by till 1996 when the bird flu virus appeared among the goose population in China caused by H5N1 virus [6] and soon the first human infection was observed in 1997 in Hongkong. The HPAI strain was causing widespread outbreak in the poultry in Hongkong. There was widespread killing of chicken and other poultry birds there which helped to contain the outbreak by 2009 [6]. The H5N1 strain infecting the humans was an antigenic variant of the bird strain HPAI due to antigenic drift. The outbreak was traced in the migratory birds and was also found in other parts of world like Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East [6].

Keywords: Coronavirus; H1N1 Virus; Swine Flu Virus (H1N2)



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Citation: Jai S Ghosh. “When Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hits Agriculture Grounds-A Short Review". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.5 (2020): 28-30.


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