Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 4

Assessing the Microbial Safety Status of Spices and Condiments Sold in Faisalabad City of Pakistan

Mujahid Hassan Khan1*, Muhammad Afzaal2, Ayesha Kiran1 and Muhammad Usman1

1Institute of Home and Food Sciences, GCUF, Pakistan
2Assistant Professor, Institute of Home and Food Science, GCUF, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Mujahid Hassan Khan, Institute of Home and Food Sciences, GCUF, Pakistan.

Received: February 05, 2020; Published: April 04, 2020



  Spices and condiments are mostly used in dehydrated form which deliver environs that permits the survival of various foodborne pathogens. Total 150 samples (Packed and Unpacked) of 11 different spices and condiments were originating from five different areas of Faisalabad and were screened for the microbial quality attributes, based on plate count and specified identification techniques. They were studied for incidence of Bacillus cereus, C. perfringens, Salmonella spp. and yeast mold counts. It was concluded that 9 samples (6.00%) from total 150 were positive with Salmonella incidence. Black Pepper was with maximum reading (18.8%). This study reveals that incidence of B. cereus was (18.00%) out of total samples with maximum incidence samples of ginger powder (33.3%). As we are concerned by C. perfringens the total incidence was (10.66%) with maximum observation in Black pepper (27.2%). Maximum incidence of yeast and mold was observed in parsley chopped 5.24 log10 cfu g-1 with all the samples positive with yeast and mold, turmeric and salt samples had yeast mold counts in tolerable limits. This study was conducted to determine the microbiological safety level of spices and condiments sold in the markets of Faisalabad city of Pakistan by dividing the city into five regions.

Keywords: Bacillus cereus; Pakistan; Salmonella



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Citation: Mujahid Hassan Khan., et al. “Assessing the Microbial Safety Status of Spices and Condiments Sold in Faisalabad City of Pakistan". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.4 (2020): 233-238.


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