Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Short Communication Volume 3 Issue 2

Be Attention for Your Children

Muntaha A Mathkoor*

Ministry of Health, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Muntaha A Mathkoor, Ministry of Health, Iraq.

Received: December 06, 2019; Published: January 06, 2020


  Sara, A beautiful girl she is ten years old, she came with her mother to my clinic to consult about skin lesion in anal area which appeared about ten days ago, I examined her ;she had multible discrete 2 - 10 MM, slightly umblicated, flesh colored, dome shaped papules and nodules . the most likely diagnosis is Molluscum contagiosum(MC), which is cutaneous disease caused by molluscum contagiosum virus and it transsmited via skin to skin contact and, less commonly, fomites [1]. It spread also via auto inoculation, scratching, or touching of lesion. Genital lesion may be a manifestation of sexual abuse in children [2], So sara may be avictim of sexual child abuse, I examined entire cutaneous surface as well as oral and genital mucosa [1] and I consult agynecolgist to examin her, we did not find any other sign of abuse because Many types of sexual molestation, such as oral sodomy and fondling, do not usually leave physical signs. Even when mild or moderate injuries occur (e.g. petechiae, ecchymoses, abrasions, superficial lacerations), healing in the anogenital area often takes place within days, resulting in very subtle or undetectable physical Findings [4]. I asked to talk with sara alone with out her mother.

  Sara denial any sexual contact initially then she said yes my cousin had anal sex with me, he enforced me to do that with him, I hate him I hate Him too much she was talking with deep sadness.



  1. Reinhard Kirnbauer and Petra Lenz, Human Papillomaviruses,Bolognia JL,Jorizzo JL., Shchaffer J.V. 3rd ed .Saunders-Elsevier; inc (2012): 1303-1319.
  2. Thomas P Habif., et al. Clinical Dermatology Acolor Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy, sixth edition 448-486.
  3. Bays J and Chadwick D. “Medical diagnosis of the sexually abused child”. Child Abuse and Neglect 17 (1993): 91-110.
  4. Adams JA. “Guidelines for medical care of children evaluated for suspected sexual abuse: an update for”. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 20 (2008): 435-41.


Citation: Muntaha A Mathkoor. “Be Attention for Your Children". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.2 (2020): 15.


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