Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 2

Emergence of Non-Fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli as Multi-Drug Resistant Septicaemic Pathogen in A Tertiary Hospital

Debosmita Paul1* and Amrit Kumar Borah2

1Modal Rural Health Research Unit, ICMR, Tripura, India
2Department of Microbiology, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam

*Corresponding Author: Debosmita Paul1Modal Rural Health Research Unit, ICMR, Tripura, India.

Received: December 09, 2019; Published: January 06, 2020



  The Non Fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli were previously thought to be saprophytes existing solely as commensals or contaminants. But recent findings have established a clinical significance subject to their frequent isolation from clinical samples and pathological association with blood stream infections, immunocompromised hosts and patients with hematological malignancies. This study aims at providing a comprehensive view of this scenario through a span of one year in a tertiary hospital. Acinetobacter species was found to be the most common isolate comprising of 54.4% of all NFGNB, followed by Pseudomonas species (29.67%), Burkholderia species (2.75%) and Sphingomonas paucimobilis (0.55%). Analysis of antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed multidrug resistant pattern with majority of the isolates being resistant to three or more drugs

Keywords: NFGNB; Antimicrobial Susceptibility; Drug Resistance; Commensal; Septicaemia



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Citation: Debosmita Paul and Amrit Kumar Borah. “Emergence of Non-Fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli as Multi-Drug Resistant Septicaemic Pathogen in A Tertiary Hospital". Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.2 (2020): 02-06.


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