Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Case Report Volume 3 Issue 1

Recurrent Parotid Abscess; A Diagnostic Dilemma- A Case Report

Dushantha Madegedara*, Asela Bandara, AGR Mohamed, SA Luckmy and MRAM Rifai

National Hospital, Kandy, Sri Lanka

*Corresponding Author: Dushantha Madegedara, National Hospital, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Received: November 08, 2019; Published: December 04, 2019



 Meliodosis caused by Burkhloderia pseudomallei has recently gained importance as an emerging pathogen in Sri Lanka as increasing number of cases reported mainly from the north and east provinces of the country. It causes a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations like pneumonia, septicaemia, arthritis and abscess in multiple organs potentially mimicking other infections like tuberculosis which is much commoner in a country like Sri Lanka where it is endemic. We describe a 54-year-old male nursing officer who presented with recurrent parotid swelling with lymphadenopathy which was initially diagnosed as extrapulmonary tuberculosis, however poorly responding to standard anti tuberculous treatment. Further investigations isolated B. pseudomallei from parotid abscess establishing the diagnosis of Meliodosis.

Keywords: Parotid Abscess; Melioidosis; Tuberculosis



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Citation: Dushantha Madegedara., et al. “Recurrent Parotid Abscess; A Diagnostic Dilemma- A Case Report".Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.1 (2020): 22-25.


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