Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Artilce Volume 3 Issue 1

Clinic, Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Human Echinococcosis

Eftychios Vittorakis, Petrica Ciobanca, Constantea Nicolae, Evangelos Vittorakis and Lia Monica Junie*

University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania Department of Microbiology, Cluj Napoca, Romania

*Corresponding Author: Lia Monica Junie, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania Department of Microbiology, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Received: October 09, 2019; Published: December 04, 2019



 Cystic echinococcosis or hydatidosis is an infestation caused by the larval form of E. granulosus species. It may develop asymptomatically or as a severe disease, often fatal, in humans.

Objective: Our study is aimed to realize a radiography of the cases with hydatic cyst (and others form of presentation of the echinococcus infection), which were hospitalized at the regional institute of gastroenterology and hepatology (IRGH) Cluj Napoca, on a considerable period of time (5 years). 192 of cases with the diagnosis of Echinococcus spp. were hospitalized on the period of the 5 years establish to evaluate in our study. Women’s number (90) was higher as the men cases (80), Hydatidosis is more common in females, being present in 55 women (55%), than in males (45%), with small differences between different age groups. Patients with the age between 21 and 60 years old have summed almost 75% of the cases, which also represent the period of age when the persons can be most active in the professional jobs. Most of the patients were potentially economically active persons (taking into account workers and unemployed and even the students). From a total of 23 Romanian residence counties, the majority of the patients (53, approximately 30%) are from Cluj county, in which is also located the hospital from where the cases origin. Most frequently the E. granulosus species was involved, and in a considerable part the species remained unspecified. Surgery was the primary option of treatment in our casuistry with various type of procedures, most frequently cysto-pericystectomy and drainage. It can be seen that the number of cases in the of each year of the 5 years was relative constant, with little variations, which can indicate the lacking of preventive measures or an insufficiency of it or even the existence of a inherent risk despite of all the measured which were taken.

Conclusions: This study offers a pretty faithful image of the current situation about the Echinococcus infection pathology in the Transilvania area, on the period we had evaluated. Hydatidosis can be considered hence endemic on this region and means of prevention and control are still required to be introduced till the elimination of this parasitosis. Encouraging it’s the fact that means which have been proven efficient both in the treatment and most important in the primary prevention of this disease are largely available.

Keywords: Hydatid Cyst In Human; Hydatidosis; Human Echinococcosis; Hospitalized Patients; Diagnosis; Clinical Evolution; Serodiagnosis; Therapy



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Citation: Lia Monica Junie., et al. “Clinic, Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Human Echinococcosis".Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.1 (2020): 13-21.


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