Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 1

Immunological Profile of TB/HIV Co-Infected Patients Attending ADEPR Nyamata Hospital in Rwanda

Gisele Nyambere and Francois Niyongabo Niyonzima*

Department of Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Fundamental Sciences, INES-Ruhengeri, Rwanda

*Corresponding Author: Francois Niyongabo Niyonzima, Department of Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Fundamental Sciences, INES-Ruhengeri, Rwanda.

Received: October 17, 2019; Published: December 03, 2019



  Tuberculosis is an important disease that attacks mainly people from low income countries. One third of the population having HIV in Sub-Saharan African countries are also having TB. Investigating the prevalence and immunological profile of TB in patients having HIV is important step in discovering drugs and setting preventive measures. The present study aimed to estimate the CD4 cell levels and viral load in TB and HIV co-infected patients and to identify the prevalence of tuberculosis and HIV co-infected patients attending ADEPR Nyamata Hospital: It was a cross sectional study and was carried out on 85 HIV positive patients where18 patients were TB/HIV co-infected. Study participants were followed during 4 months of HAART initiation. This was based on the laboratory results of CD4 count from FACS count machine, and viral load results from AmpliPrep/COBAS® TaqMan® machine. Data were analysed with SPSS and significance was considered when P < 0.05. Among the 18 TB/HIV co-infected patients, compared to the CD4 levels before the initiation of treatment, there was a decrease in CD4 cells count at the level of 50.0% with CD4 cells less than 175 cells/mm3 and those patients had a viral load level above 1000 copies/ml. Patients between 36 and 54 years showed a high frequency of co-infection at the level of 44.4%. After 4 months treatment, only 11.1% of co-infected patients achieved an undetectable viral load means less than 20 copies/ml and 55.6% of co-infected patients their CD4+ T cells were recovered up to 350 cells/mm3 after taking treatment. In all co-infected patients, CD4 cells augmentation and viral load decline were observed after 4 months on treatment. It is recommended to take care of co-infected patients. CD4 count and viral load have to be regularly checked among HAART patients at least for a period of less than 90 days.

Keywords: Tb/Hiv Co-Infected Patients; Nyamata Hospital; Immunological Profile; Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment, Tuberculosis



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Citation: Gisele Nyambere and Francois Niyongabo Niyonzima. “Immunological Profile of TB/HIV Co-Infected Patients Attending ADEPR Nyamata Hospital in Rwanda".Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.1 (2020): 02-05.


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