Review Article Volume 8 Issue 8

Alveolitis Management, Efficiency of the Different Treatment Methods Available

Oscar Barrios1*, Enmanuel Parra2, Greyner Dueñes2, Nicolas Solano3, Jose Erasmo Bravo4 and Diana Angelica Perez5

1Dentist, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela 2Oral Surgeon Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Universidad El Bosque, Colombia 4Dentist, Universidad Quetzalcoatl, Irapuato, Mexico 5Dentist, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Oscar Barrios, Dentist, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

Received: May 17, 2024; Published: July 31, 2024


Introduction: Alveolitis is the most common complication after a tooth extraction. Blum describes alveolitis as the presence of postoperative pain in and around the extraction site, increasing in severity any time between one and three days after extraction accompanied by a partially or completely disintegrated blood clot within the alveolar cavity. When there is alveolitis, there is no presence of blood vessels, which is why the proliferation of capillaries is not allowed, and therefore, the blood clot is not organized and finally ends up disintegrating. When there is loss of the blood clot, the alveolar bone is exposed to air, food and liquids, causing pain. There are several risk factors related to this dental complication, including age, sex and hormonal therapy, surgical area, tobacco consumption, and previous infections. Currently there are several treatments that could be used to treat this type of complication, among these we have: pastes and dressings, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory analgesics, antibiotics, surgical treatments, laser therapy, hyaluronic acid, application of aloe vera and honey.

Objective: To analyze the management of dry socket and the efficiency of the different treatment methods available.

Conclusion: It is important to keep in mind that all of these treatments mentioned above present the same benefits and focus especially on reducing pain, relieving discomfort, as well as promoting the repair and healing of the alveolar mucosa.

Keywords: Alveolitis; Management; Alveolar Osteitis


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Citation: Oscar Barrios., et al. “Alveolitis Management, Efficiency of the Different Treatment Methods Available".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 8.8 (2024): 70-73.


Copyright: Oscar Barrios., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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