Osteogenic Distraction with "RED Device" and Absolute Skeletal Anchors in a Patient with Lip and Palate Sequelae: An Effective Alternative?
Oscar Orozco1, Gabriel Coronado1, Diana Pérez2, Oscar Barrios3* and Erasmo Bravo4
1Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Mexico
2Dentist, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
3Dentist, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
4Dentist, Universidad Quetzalcóatl, Mexico
*Corresponding Author: Oscar Barrios, Dentist, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
May 21, 2024; Published: July 29, 2024
The management of the deformity in patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) is the subject of controversy since surgical correction is achieved through conventional orthognathic surgery, or by distraction osteogenesis (DO). The case of a 16-year-old male patient with a surgical history of unilateral cleft lip and palate correction is described, who was diagnosed with severe maxillary hypoplasia with a discrepancy of 14 mm, for which it was decided to perform advancement of the middle third of the face through of rigid external distraction device (RED device) with absolute skeletal anchors. The objective of this case report is to demonstrate the effectiveness of distraction osteogenesis with the “RED device” and absolute skeletal anchors in patients with sequelae of cleft lip and palate. Where we proceeded to carry out a surgical protocol for the advancement of the middle third of the face, placing a rigid external distraction device and absolute skeletal anchors, obtaining excellent results. Conclusion: The use of this technique in conjunction with the absolute skeletal anchorage technique allows for results in less distraction time and ensuring the patient's expected measurements are obtained.
Keywords: Osteogenic Distraction; Midface Advance; Cleft Lip and Palate
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