Research Article Volume 8 Issue 7

Evaluating the Results for Different Methods of Internal Fixation Treating Mandibular Subcondylar Fractures

Mohammed Mahdi Baraja1*, Lutf Alrahbi2 and Ahmed Al Ashwal2

1Maxillofacial Department, AL Thora Hospital, Yemeni Board Sanaa, Yemen
2Maxillofacial Department, Sanaa University, Yemen

*Corresponding Author:Mohammed Mahdi Baraja, Maxillofacial Department, AL Thora Hospital, Yemeni Board Sanaa, Yemen.

Received: May 07, 2024; Published: June 05, 2024


Among maxillofacial injuries, condylar fractures are a common topic of discussion and controversy. These fractures make up 11-16% of all facial fractures and 30-40% of mandibular fractures. The subcondylar area is the distal part of the condylar process, which is superiorly confined to the line passing through the sigmoid notch and anteriorly to the line obliquely connecting the sigmoid notch to the masseter tuberosity. Closed reduction has been the preferred treatment for decades, but complications such as pain, ankylosis, internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and inadequate restoration of the vertical height of the ramus can possibly occur. Open reduction and anatomic reduction can create a better function for the temporomandibular joint compared with closed treatment. For subcondylar fractures, surgical treatment is most commonly done, and different treatment options have been described in adults. Among them, the mini plates fixation technique via retromandibular or submandibular incision was used. The retromandibular approaches provide good visualization of the subcondyle from the posterior edge of the ramus, allow the surgeon to work perpendicularly to the fracture, and enable direct fracture management.

Keywords: Sub Condylar Fractures; Single Y Shape Condylar Plate; Open Reduction Retromandibular Approach


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Citation: Mohammed Mahdi Baraja., et al. “Evaluating the Results for Different Methods of Internal Fixation Treating Mandibular Subcondylar Fractures".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 8.7 (2024): 02-05g.


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